
as all things must.

The frontispiece is highly attrac- tive and I cannot but believe that you are going to have a good deal of success with it.......You are doing mis- sionary work and attacking the bulwark of prejudice and misconception from the logical and scientific angle. There should be at least a million TVs (out of a pop. of 180 million who are sincere......It is a difficult effort you are making; to please the variety of present and pot- ential readers. A Herculean task to be sure, but so en- tirely worthwhile. I sincerely hope you have the suc-

cess you deserve.

Dear Sir:


Edythe Long Beach, Cal.

Through this letter I should like to say how pleased and interested I was to receive your letter re- garding TVia. Without a doubt there is a definite need for a magazine such as you mention....May I say that I intend to support this magazine whether its life may be long or short. Having just been introduced to the sub- ject I indeed can appreciate the opportunity this maga- zine can afford. Not only in the sharing of opinions and experiences of others like myself, but the opportun- ity it will afford to perhaps contact and meet others. I for one feel that I have moved in dark conformity too long and need much guidance and help. As I mentioned, being a young man and newly introduced to the subject I have at the moment little to offer except sincere sup- port, but as I progress further I am sure I shall be able to offer more. Sincerely,


R.F. Canada.

Dear Sir: I have received the first two copies of TVia and think that it is wonderful that someone has taken the bull by the horns and started producing a publica- tion devoted to TVism. I think you are to be congrat- ulated on your wonderful job.

P.W. wisc.